Website Section Checklist

1. Slider - Featured Tours

  • Images are high resolution and properly sized.
  • Links in the slider are working and direct to the correct tours.
  • Text is legible and error-free.
  • Slider animation and transition speed are appropriate.
  • Mobile responsiveness is checked.

2. Header - Tours This Weekend

  • Upcoming tours for the weekend are accurately displayed.
  • Each listing links to its respective detail page.
  • Ensure the section is updated timely every week.

3. Block - Events by State

  • Events are categorized correctly by state.
  • Each event has a valid link and description.
  • Images are uniform and properly formatted.
  • Check for real-time updates and accuracy.

4. Featured Videos

  • Videos are playing without errors.
  • Thumbnails are clear and relevant.
  • Video descriptions and titles are accurate.
  • Ensure videos are updated regularly.

5. Our Network

  • All linked brands are correctly displayed.
  • Links to each brand are working.
  • Ensure the section reflects all current partnerships.
  • Check for visual consistency across all brand logos.

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